
Archive for August, 2007

Had a shit night at work. Hand started hurting, it was hot as hell, I actually had to work while at work, and everybody decided to pick today to be an ass. I am too much of a pleasant, dedicated employee so it surely had to be THEIR fault, not mine. Decided to medicate at least some of the bs away. It’s a wonder how much more tolerable work can be when chased with a couple of 7.5 milligram oxycodone (taken a prescribed 4 hours apart, I’m not a junkie).

Stopped in to see the head of Human Resources on my way out this morning to tell him about my hand since it started hurting more during my shift. Normally I would have spoke to the Safety Coordinator for this kind of situation but he is on a leave-of-absence fighting a life threatening disease, whic means he’s got way more important stuff to worry about and that I had to deal with the head idiot. I told the asshole what happened, that I had told my immediate supervisor minutes after it happened, and that I just wanted to give him a “heads up” in case it turns into something worse. I assured him I wasn’t trying to make it a big deal, that I had four days off so it most likely would be fine by the time I got back, and that it was basically my fault. His response was “Well isn’t there a safer way to do that?” Well, obviously, or there would be no need for the conversation we were having. “Well you need to inform your supervisor.” As I just told him, I had already done that. When it happened. Three days ago. “Well, I am the one you need to talk to if you need to see a Doctor.” I know, which is why I am having this mind-numbing discourse instead of devouring a couple of Croissan’wiches and mega-miligrams of ibuprofen so I can put me and this shit day to bed. Just think, he had to attend many college classes and I had to skip many college classes just so we could have this conversation.

I really don’t think it will be a big deal. It’s still a little swollen but everything moves as it’s supposed to. I just wanted to be sure to dot and cross all the appropriate letters. I should have plenty of time to heal since I am taking off a day early to go see Queens of the Stone Age with Gann take care of a sick relative. My gimp-ness even gives me a valid reason to defer any moshing. As if me being too old and too wussy (and it’s just plain stupid) isn’t good enough.

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Who knew . . . .

. . . that if you took a roll of paper weighing more than 2900 pounds with a diameter of roughly 50 inches, spun it at a speed of 1260 feet/minute, then placed your hand in the less than one inch space between it and the apparatus that is making it spin, that shit would hurt?   Guess I should have been a bit more attentive when we covered this in high school science.

I am fortunate that I didn’t break it or worse.  My arm was also pinned under a long metal bar which prevented me from pulling it out.  Fortunately I had the sense to take a step down after only a couple seconds and got hand and arm free.  Which is ironic because if I’d had “sense” a few seconds earlier, I would’ve found way to some way a little safer to accomplish what I was trying to accomplish.

These are after a little more than 24 hours of “healing.”  It’s a kind of hard to tell due to fuzziness but it’s a little swollen and I have an industrial version of carpet burn.

(Note to self:  Please clean fingernails and find a damn tan before posting pictures of self on internet.)

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